Once again, I’m getting to the pictures from a week or so again, so the next couple posts will be out of order. Since we had to postpone Christian’s party due to injury we tried to make it special with just us. After dinner with a menu requested by the birthday boy himself and a cookie cake, we went down to the pit and made a fire.
The boys made me a nervous wreck with their fire sticks waving in the air. I tried to keep them in check, but finally had to shut it down.
Something about three young boys waving long torches in the air spells trouble, ya know? Especially when one of them is six years old.
Drew came over and spent the night. These two get along so well. They rarely disagree on what to do, and always have a good time. Christian is lucky to have such a great cousin and friend.
Jackson is one of the boys, no matter the age difference. He’s always in the mix and just assumes that he’s supposed to be there. I love that the big kids allow him to tag along. That says a lot for them.
Daddy kept the fire and the kids under control. All in all, I think Christian had a good night. Well, other than that whole injury and party canceling ordeal. I guess it can’t always be rainbows and sunshine.