All-Stars is Officially Over

20080614_3285 Well, for us it is. The boys played the championship tonight, in the rain, and lost 12 to 9. Why is it that every time Christian plays pitcher he has to make some sort of diving fall on the ground catch and throw the baseball from his knees? I swear the child thinks that is cool. I can’t tell you how many pictures I have just like this one. It probably is cool, and WHY don’t I know that??? I swear I was almost cool once, in the 9th grade. I bet I made catches and throws like that all the time back then.
20080614_3289 The game took 2 1/2 hours to play, which I swear is the longest little league game I’ve ever witnessed. Coach Keith went out on the field during one of the rain/pitching machine delays to try to settle down the boys. They were really off at first, but they did finally get in a groove and play a good game, not as good as Biloxi played, but still a good game. They got a medal for 2nd place, and didn’t seem at all disappointed. And they all lived happily ever after. The End.