When Christian started playing T-ball, Scott got a team. Christian already knew a few kids on the Marlins, but we met a bunch more that year. None would become quite such a part of our lives like one little boy and his family. Jordan and Christian were fast friends, and have stuck together through many years of baseball, traveling team, island trips, birthday parties, swim days, fishing trips and sleep-overs. When Christian was asked to hand out programs with Jordan at his older sister Taylor’s Senior Piano Recital, we immediately began making plans to attend.
It’s not often that we see this boy quite so spiffed up, so of course I had to take a couple pictures.
Taylor was awesome! I can’t even begin to tell you what an incredible young woman this is, or how neat it is that we met this family all because of a T-Ball draft six years ago.
Take note of this extraordinary young person, and mark my words, you will see her again. She is going to do even more great things. I say even more because she has already started! I know her parents are beyond proud as they should be.
I can’t believe these are the same two boys that showed up for that first practice so many years ago.
Isn’t it funny how things happen sometimes? Congratulations Taylor, and thank you for letting us be a part of your day!