Deedy got Jackson a gift card for his birthday specifically to go pick out a basketball that he wanted. Let me tell you how much he loves it! Every day he goes outside just to bounce it in the front yard. Should I feel bad that he doesn’t have a goal to throw it in yet? It doesn’t seem to bother him, he’s been quite content just bouncing, but I can see the basketball goal wheels turning in Scott’s head.
Jackson has even decided that he wants to sign up for basketball this year. I’m a little worried. Scott and I both know enough about football and baseball to be of some service, but basketball… well, I got nothin’. That may be a good thing.
Deedy was smart with that gift card, because it wasn’t 3 days before the big boys busted the ball kicking it into the fence. Jackson was devastated, but Scott just stopped back by with the gift card and got him another one, and all was right again in his world.
I do believe my buddy has a new sport. Thanks Deedy!