Yeah, I’m behind, I know. These are from Christian’s first few football games this season. I had to take note of the missing S in the opponent’s sign. Not only am I way behind, I’m an English major that feels the need to call out spelling mistakes. It’s a horrible combo, I know. It’s ironic considering my grammar on my blog is questionable. Run-on sentences, fragments, missing or misplaced apostrophes, made-up words… it’s all there. Feel free to call me out. I can take it!
I love it when they do this. Seeing the whole football team racing toward the ball gets everybody ready for kickoff!
I don’t know if you can see it, but our S was alive and well.
William and Christian were waiting patiently.
Halftime is for Dance Team!
Here comes the Hounds!
There goes Christian.
There he goes, again!
Christian was listening to Coach Gaunce. Why doesn’t he listen that intently to me? Maybe Coach can give me some tips!
More to come!