
IMG_0231It’s back to school tomorrow, and my kids aren’t too jazzed about it. The good news is I MAY have gotten our Christmas pictures done. It wasn’t what I had planned, but that’s okay. It was NOT fun, and I hope I never have to do it again. Ever. At least it’s over, I hope. If I have at least one picture of Jackson where he isn’t giving me the evil eye, we should be good. We got our Christmas tree out this morning, but it’s not decorated. It’s just a huge mess all over our house. Maybe I’ll get to that tomorrow, but I’m not making any promises. We finished with Christian’s reading fair project this afternoon. That was a joy and a pleasure to work on with him. I’ve never heard a kid  complain about having to color. Life’s full of little surprises! Here is a picture of the project because my sister wanted to see. He typed out all the information in his own words and colored all the illustrations. I formatted it for him to print and helped attach it all to the board. Scott reinforced our crappy glue job with staples, and VOILA! Done!IMG_0146