Flat Stanley

Jackson’s class had a Flat Stanley project and the first people we thought of were our friends in Kentucky! Hi Kim, Riley, Jackson and Bennett! Aren’t you so glad we thought of you, lol?! I know they went all over Lexington with Stanley and sent him back full of treats and adventures for the kids to have and see, not that Jackson would divulge a single detail to me, but I know. Today he brought home, not one, but three embroidered horses sent from Stanley’s adventures. He was so excited. He still won’t spill the details because that’s just the way he rolls, but I’m pretty sure his Flat Stanley had the most fun in his class. So, a shout out to Stanley’s hosts and a big thank you for taking the time to help my man with his project. We can’t wait to see you all soon! Maybe we’ll bring Stanley along for a visit, too.