Close the Door on Summer Vacation

20080713_4568Has anyone else noticed that summer vacation seems to be getting shorter and shorter? I get the feeling someone is trying to just ease us into year round school. Maybe if they do it this way, we won’t even notice. Tomorrow is MEET THE TEACHER day for the 3rd graders. Yes. I just said 3rd grade. Omg, I just said 3rd grade. My first born is a 3rd grader!! Where does the time go? 3rd grade was the first year I ever had a teacher I didn’t like. Don’t feel bad, she couldn’t stand me either. 3rd grade was the first year I ever made something besides an A on my report card. I was devastated. 3rd grade was the year that I decided I officially hated my best subject, math, a vow I have maintained to this day. 3rd grade was the very first year that I didn’t like school. All I can think is –Please don’t let this happen to him. He’s always said he hates school, but secretly, I know he thinks it is fun. He’s always had such wonderful teachers and classes. Now, he does hate homework, and I can understand that, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do, ya know? So, anyway, tonight I’ll be thinking of my 3rd grader, and wishing him good vibes for tomorrow. I just hope this isn’t the year he has that one teacher, or that one class, that sends him into a lifetime of crime, or worse, a lifetime of hating math. That would be so sad.

Jackson doesn’t start school until after Labor Day. Now, that’s my kind of school year calendar. We’ve ordered his “pack-pack” and he’s ready to go. Unfortunately, he will have to wait another month. I’m sure Christian would gladly trade places.