Every afternoon there is a football game going on in one of our yards. Today it was ours. Christian looks forward to it every day. There were only three of them, but they managed. They were still going strong when it was time for Andrew to go home and get ready to go to the Ocean Springs Homecoming game. Mrs. Laura decided she wasn’t going to go, which meant they had an extra ticket, so they invited Christian to come. I have never seen that kid more excited. I didn’t have to ask him 15 times to go get dressed, or to wash his hands and face. When I fixed him a sandwich, I didn’t have to sit there and push him to eat. I don’t think I even had to tell him to get his shoes on. He was fed, dressed and ready in a matter of minutes. He made us go outside to wait for Mr. John and the boys to drive up. I’m not sure what John had to put up with in the few hours they were gone with 3 tired and excited boys, but he is one brave man. Christian had such a great time. He came home with a football he caught from the cheerleaders and one for his little brother. We have a few more home games this year and it looks like we are going to be there for at least a couple of them. Thanks Mr. John & Mrs. Laura. You made my kid’s day! Peace out.