Birthdays are supposed to be fun. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. Today is Christian’s 9th birthday. We had cupcakes to take to school, a couple of presents, a birthday dinner tonight, and his party on Sunday all planned in honor of his day. Some time in the middle of the night, Christian got sick. We were up and down with him until this morning. So… no school, no cupcakes, no desire to eat, so no birthday dinner. At least there were still some presents and his party this weekend.
One of his presents was a gun. Yes, a real, live, shooting gun. Scott was so excited. He couldn’t wait to give it to him. While Christian sat on the couch trying to hold his water down, Scott walked in with it slung over his shoulder. Christian never even noticed. Finally Scott had to call his attention to the case. When he realized it was for him, that sick little face turned into this.
Happy Birthday Christian! We love you! Oh, and please don’t kill anything with that gun. Thank you! Love, Mom