Flashback Friday

So, I’m only flashing back to 2018 and 19, and only because I cleaned off my bulletin board. The first is Christian’s orientation at Ole Miss, and the next two are Jackson’s freshman and sophomore Homecoming. I guess I never scanned them, I just put them straight up on the board. Time sure flies!

Mississippi Kite

So, before this day, had I ever heard of a Mississippi Kite? No, no I don’t think I had, but I was slightly obsessed with this one. He landed in our neighbor’s yard with some lunch, and allowed me to take pictures of him for hours. He, or she, then flew even closer so I...

Another Sweet Stray

How do we always end up with the sweetest stray dogs at our house you might wonder, and the answer is usually Christian, but this time it was Scott…well, and Christian. Scott called and said there was a stray down at the gate and NOT to go get it, so Christian convinced me we had...

One Last Project

We found the boys legos. They weren’t lost, just forgotten. We apparently didn’t bother to keep each project separate so it would be easy to rebuild stuff. It was just a huge bin of thousands of tiny lego pieces and a stack of instruction manuals.We separated, sorted, organized, and played. Some nights we stayed up until...