Monthly Archives: October 2021

Fall Afternoons with Jackson

Some days, it’s just the dogs, but other days, Jackson makes it.I mean, the dogs are still there.Check out how nice Jackson’s truck looks. He says he hasn’t washed it in ages.Maybe it’s just the light…

Going to Get Homecoming Clothes

A couple weeks or so before homecoming, we ran over to Pete’s place to get Jackson some fancy clothes. On the way, we stopped at the fancy Waffle House. We love this place!I didn’t get any pictures of the fancy clothes, those will just have to be a surprise.Almost home…I love it when Scott drives.

Deebo and His Girlfriend

Moxie is the only dog that I think really likes Deebo. Could be because she is still a puppy, too, and his annoying ass antics don’t phase her. She never puts up with his crap and they can run for hours. Seriously. I’ve seen it.It looks mean, but I promise, it’s love.Here comes Jackson…Deebo’s not...