Flashback Friday

I’m flashing back to a picture of me as a baby with my Dad. I had this picture framed in the living room and over Christmas opened it up to realize that it was completely faded out. I thought I better save it while I could.

Decorating the Christmas Tree

The tree had been up for weeks half decorated waiting for the boys to both be home from school and available, not like they really cared, but it’s tradition. They were more interested in the hot cocoa and popcorn that followed.I love having these two together, especially over the holidays! The finished product…

Last Week of School is Exhausting

Jackson still had a few more days of school before they were let out for Christmas break. It was hard keeping up with school and Christian being home. Something had to give.

Polar Express Stop 3

Our neighbors kids had a Polar Express birthday party and we were one of the stops. We handed out treat bags with train whistles, jingle bell necklaces and suckers maybe? It’s been so long I can’t remember the third thing. Scott and Christian had just made it home from hunting, so I enlisted all these weirdos...