
Back in May, Christian was pulling into our neighborhood late one night, when a dog ran in front of his truck. He rushed home and enlisted me to ride back down there with him to check on the dog. I resisted. A lot of lost or dumped dogs turn up out here, and I seem...

Flashback Friday

Flashing back almost 70 years for this one. This is my grandmother with all three of her children in San Fransisco. My dad is the youngest on the top, Allan is in the middle, and Aunt Joanna is in the red. Grandma looks like she is making a duck face. If only she was giving...

Future Homesite

We went to check out Lindsay and Wes’s new lot. I think Wyatt likes it.He’s going to run this golf course. Just you wait!It’s on one of the lakes that Christian frequents. They are going to have a fantastic view!Fergie, as usual, is unimpressed and just needs a nap.