Monthly Archives: October 2020

Flashback Friday

Flashing back to the early 80’s here for my first communion. I didn’t know this, but I made my first communion with all the kids in the grade below me. I don’t know if it’s because my birthday didn’t meet the cut-off, and that happened all the time with my birthday making me one of...

Wyatt’s Visit

I think we may have a new mailman.He is a REALLY cute mailman!He may be really into ATVs.Or maybe he just really likes Jackson.He may play golf, or hockey, or just water plants…He took this picture of Jackson, so I think he might be a photographer…Or maybe a basketball player…Or a butterfly watcher…Or maybe an...

School Pictures– Jackson 11TH GRADE

Since Jackson knows he can’t be trusted with his picture order forms, we just ordered straight from the source this year. Pictures got postponed due to weather, so I don’t think he even knew he was taking pictures on this day. I sure didn’t. Good thing he’s handsome!

Not Everyone Loves Deebo

Wyatt came over to meet Deebo, and from a distance, it’s all ok, but Deebs is full of puppy energy, and teeth. He love to jump and chew, and Wyatt is the perfect size playmate. Unfortunately, he doesn’t want any part of it. Can’t really blame him. As long as Deebo wasn’t close enough to...

Working in the Yard

Trying to keep him from eating acorns, rabbit poop, mulch, leaves, dirt, grass, bugs, sticks, basically anything is a full time job. He loves the front yard because all of those things are there. He is also very helpful doing work.If anyone needs a little assistance…