Monthly Archives: September 2019

More Birthday Fun

After lunch, we spent some time floating. I felt like it was my birthday!Then, they decided we needed a little shopping time. I barely even complained. On our way home, we caught a rainbow right over our exit directing us home.I don’t know, seems like a pretty perfect celebration of my Mom, might even be...

Happy Birthday, Momma

Momma turned 76 on Labor Day! My guys were at Uncle David’s for opening weekend, so we mostly had a girls day. We let Daddy come eat some lunch, but otherwise, it was just me, Momma, and Donna. More birthday pictures to come!

Flashback Friday

Since Christian has gone back to school, and he only sends me pictures on SnapChat, I’m flashing back to July of 2006, and some T-Hounds! These little boys are grown up now, and all over 6 feet tall. We still get to see Jordan and Dominique occasionally, but it’s not like back in the day...

Dolphin Whisperers

Scott and I went looking for dolphins one morning last week, and had a hard time finding them. We ventured out to Horn Island, then the pass, then Ship Island. We saw a few on the way out, but otherwise nothing. It was pretty choppy out there, so maybe we just couldn’t see them.  We...