Monthly Archives: January 2018

Grumpy 1, 2 and 3

While Christian and Caroline enjoyed their Eno, Scott, Colleen, Jackson, Kingston, Fergie, Lulu and I enjoyed a fire. They weren’t really grumpy, but Jackson sure looked it!

Just a Swingin’

For his 15th birthday, Caroline bought Christian an Eno. They broke it out for old time’s sake. I think they might like it even more than they did 3 years ago.

Celebrating Christian Part 2

For his day, he wanted to have dinner at the Blind Tiger. I had never been there, but we went at the perfect time. While we waited for everyone to get there and they got our room all set up, we took advantage of the view. Christian knew who all was coming, except Uncle Brad, so we...

Celebrating Christian Part 1

I am aware that it’s January, and his 18th birthday was in November, but just ignore it, k? One of his presents was a leather jacket, and it took him almost a month to decide that it wasn’t for him. He looked so cute in it, tho!Caroline and Fergs were there to celebrate.Obligatory bow on...