Monthly Archives: July 2017

Beach Day with Jackson and Brad

I always say that Christian is the main one in my beach going crew, but Jackson can hang, too. We went last week and bummed around for hours looking for sand dollars and swimming. I think you could convince Jackson to do anything if Brad is involved.Doing the mullet jump…it’s hilarious.Such a good day!

My 3

This is my new favorite picture. It was taken at the marina watching the sunset waiting on the fire show. I love, love, love it!Can’t believe they choose to look at their phones instead of the sunset… weirdos.

Playing With Fire

Christian has a friend he works with that has a side business doing pyro shows around the area. We stumbled upon them making a video marketing their skills. We stuck around and I took some pictures. Fire and sunsets… I dig it. We sent them the pictures and they invited us back the next night. Pretty cool, right?