Monthly Archives: August 2016

Flashback Friday

Just for a quick break in the underwater photos, I thought I’d share this gem. Riley & Riley took this photo back in the day. They were downsizing and cleaning out of all their old discs, prints and negatives this summer, so Donna picked them up for us. This is one of the last and only professional pictures...

All Arms and Legs

I love, love, love this first picture!!! Jackson can’t drive like Christian, so he’s stuck here with me and my underwater camera. Poor thing. He doesn’t seem to mind too much. He has caught up with me, height-wise, and is just all arms and legs this summer. I still see the little boy in there,...

My Little Fish

I’m still in the process of learning when it comes to underwater photos. I have a feeling I always will be. Between getting comfortable with the housing, which I still haven’t gotten out of auto, because I’m not sure which route to take when my favorite button isn’t accessible, and learning to develop or edit...

All Pool, All the Time

Now that there is no crystal clear ocean to take pictures in, I’m moving on to the pool. There will be so many pool pics. I’d apologize, but I love them, and I’m not sorry. I’m still working on how to not be so buoyant. I like taking pictures from underneath, but the housing pulls...