Monthly Archives: March 2016

Flashback Friday

Keeping with our week full of Jackson, let’s flashback to his birth! Jackson had to turn in a timeline last week that included his birth, so we drug out the scrapbooks to get some baby shots. These are pictures of pictures, so the quality isn’t the best, but that doesn’t matter! I can still tell...

60% Day

The best thing to do on a 60% day??? Well, yard work of course. We raked and burned leaves for the other 40%.Ok, maybe 30%. The other 10% we just made messes.Funny stuff!

Week of Jackson

Poor Jackson. He is the one that’s here when I ask if someone will go out in the woods and let me take some pictures. I’m so glad, because I love these shots of him! Peace! We out!

Finishing Up Basketball

As you know, I went out of order with the basketball games, and now I can’t remember a thing. I love those two blondes up on the bench, especially the one on the right. I’m happy to report that Sawyer is on our baseball team, so we will get to see more of him. I...