Monthly Archives: February 2016

The Right B&W

Jackson promised me some moody black and white photos about a month ago, and I’m just now collecting. He doesn’t follow directions anymore, so I get what I get. Not complaining…My focus was a little off in these.Ahhhh, now I have it.Then, I lose it again. I think I’m losing the kid as well.Some moody,...

Herbert Vs. Generelli

So, we meet again. Just kidding, they are totally friends. We had to play Generelli again, damn it! Whoever won this game went to the championship. It was sprinkling on and off and tensions were running high. Well, maybe not high, but everyone was excited. It was going ok, then Thomas came up and did this…It hurt,...

Herbert Vs. Campo

We are down to the final 4. This day, if they won in the morning, they played again in the afternoon. Jackson’s class was in the field first and did a great job. When it was our turn at bat, they shined there as well. Mason is our last kicker and by then, there are usually...

Herbert Vs. Baggett

The next game was against their very own, Mrs. Baggett’s class. Coach came out for the coin toss. Jackson and A’Leigh are the captains, so they were pretty nervous.It was another nail-biter.A’Leigh lets everyone know where the play is before every kick, and it is probably my favorite thing! Girl can scream.Our defense was awesome. Bagette’s...

Herbert Vs. Generelli

I know that this has been a Jack Smack overload, but we are full of Kickball and Basketball at the moment. They played Mrs. Generelli’s class next. Both teams hadn’t lost yet, so it was a big one. Sydney was out and we missed her. It was such a good game. They were neck in neck...