Monthly Archives: December 2014

Santa Hats and Tree Trimming

The boys have made wearing Santa hats while decorating the tree a full blown tradition! And I like it!!!Selfies of tree decorating for snapchat… Check!Then they got down to business.Fergie wants to help!I think y’all got it under control. Thanks boys!

Why Does This Crack Me Up so Bad?

We decorated the tree early in the month and it was so dark inside that I kept opening the door and backing further and further outside trying to get some light on the boys so I could take some pictures. This is my favorite picture of the day, Christian looking at me like I’m crazy and...

Greyhounds Vs. Goula

We played Pascagoula at the first of the month, and honestly, I don’t remember whether he made this shot or not. I do remember that it was a close good game. Unfortunately, in the end, we lost by two. Good game, boys!

Did I Mention He Could Legally Drive?

After a few weeks of studying here and there and taking some practice tests, Scott took Christian down to the DMV to take his test to get his permit. He passed on his first try! Luckily, it’s only the permit and he still has to have one of us on board. I swear, I don’t...