Monthly Archives: August 2014

Meet the Teacher – 5th Grade

Oh yeah! He got Mrs. Foster!!!! Christian had Mrs. Foster in 5th grade so we know just what to expect, pure awesomeness! Oh my goodness, we love this lady, and Jackson is going to love her, too!He may look a little uncomfortable right here, but I bet she’ll have put him at ease within a...

Old but New Friends

One of my oldest friends was in town recently. We’ve known each other since before 4th grade, but I don’t think our boys have really met, unless you count a 1st birthday party that none of them remember. We hung out, ordered pizza, and watched the weirdos play.Evan is such a little cutie!He makes Jackson...

Sometimes We Like Not Sharing

After spending most of our summer in Sandestin and swimming in the crowded neighborhood pool, it was a nice change to have our own back.  Jackson has perfected his dive so he’s really missed the diving board.I missed the salt water. The threat of green hair is real and scary!There was plenty of room for...

Super Moon?

I think it got super somewhere around 4 a.m., but I was asleep, so this is as super as it got for us. Ha!