Monthly Archives: July 2014

Killin’ It

Scott passed another gun down to a boy, so they had to go shoot it.  I didn’t go, but I heard everyone did well. Later was some skeet shooting. I stayed out of that business as well.  It was a day full of weapons for my three guys. What is it about boys and guns????...

More Random Sandestin

This always happens, some slip through the cracks, others just keep getting passed up. I manage to share them eventually. The Dune Lake at Grayton hadn’t broken through in awhile and the water was crystal. Jackson took advantage.I seriously love this place.Then, there is the sunset spot.I seriously love this place, too.Also, my couch… we...

Hacker Clan

Our friends from Ohio were down a couple weeks ago which is always a good time. I have no idea how I never get any pictures, but we do have this one of them saying goodbye until next year, compliments of Kelli!

Look What I Found

My underwater camera!!!! And I got it out just in time to catch Jackson’s awesome diving skills! Oh, underwater smurfy children, how I’ve missed you!I suck at selfies!No matter, there are cool diving pics to take.He’s amazing, right?And crazy adorable!One last jump for the road!


I’m not sure what’s better about my afternoons on the golf course… the beautiful sunsets,or my really cute chauffeur!