Monthly Archives: January 2011

Will This EVER End???

We are on day 6 of Jackson having a fever. DAY 6! I think it’s coming to an end, surely it is, but day 6 it is. To make matters worse, Christian woke up this morning with a fever, too.  I finally had to call their Doctor and beg for mercy. I guess we’ll be...

Even Better

Someone woke up this morning with a cool forehead. I figured we were done with fever, but as usual, I was totally wrong about that. Rather than spending 95% of the day with fever, he spent about 70%, so that is better, right? Fergie still has plenty of time to snuggle while he recovers.

My Sick Man

We’ve spent the last three days trying unsuccessfully to keep his fever down. Tonight we got down to 99.8 and saw a few smiles. I think I see the light at the end of his sick little tunnel.

The Mad Scientist

I don’t know if he has ambitions of being a scientist, but I do know that looking at dead bees on that thing fascinates the whole family.

Flat Stanley

Jackson’s class had a Flat Stanley project and the first people we thought of were our friends in Kentucky! Hi Kim, Riley, Jackson and Bennett! Aren’t you so glad we thought of you, lol?! I know they went all over Lexington with Stanley and sent him back full of treats and adventures for the kids...