Monthly Archives: December 2010

Another Direction

So my Christmas card was going to be all cute and color coordinated, smiling happy brothers and what not, but, well, we went another direction. It only took me two days to give up this year. I’m sure I’ll be just as happy with the end product, I just wish I would have figured that...

Lost in the Mail

We’ve been working on Christmas cards, and to be honest, it’s not going well. At least we finished decorating the tree. I managed to get a good picture of it, wish I could say the same about my two kids. Tell me again why I try to do Christmas cards every year?!

Waiting Patiently

We had plans to decorate the tree tonight, but only after everyone finished homework. Christian gets home later than Jackson and usually has more studying, so Jackson had some time to kill before we were all ready. He sat on the chair with Fergie patiently waiting and drawing and watching a little TV. He drew...


Normally, by December 1st I have my house decorated, gifts purchased, and Christmas pictures taken. What is up with me this year???? We FINALLY drug our Christmas tree out of the attic only to find none of the lights working and most limbs hanging on by a thread. It’s like I knew that the decorating...

Honorable Mention

Christian says its when you don’t quite win, but they still give you a ribbon. I say it feels just like first place. He was happy about it, despite the hurry up and take this picture face.And here it is, in it’s award winning glory… Back to the regularly scheduled program.