Monthly Archives: November 2010

Flashback Tuesday?

My mom sent me a picture of Jackson yesterday. I took it three years ago and it truly shocked me how much he’s grown. He’s still adorable, and he still makes silly hand gestures, but he’s no longer a baby. I refuse to believe it, even with all the mounting evidence, he’s my baby, no...

Back Up Plan

Once again, I’m getting to the pictures from a week or so again, so the next couple posts will be out of order. Since we had to postpone Christian’s party due to injury we tried to make it special with just us. After dinner with a menu requested by the birthday boy himself and a...


I just noticed that I have some pictures I’ve never posted that I needed to share. I still have Christian’s birthday pictures waiting around for me to get to, so let me get started on sharing what I have. Last weekend Jackson was helping me with an assignment, and basically I just followed him around...


I’ve been working on another one of my assignments and it involves circles. Apparently I suck at finding circles. I did manage to find these. I’m glad the circle hunt is over. Moving on…

The View from Here

I love where I live, but every once in awhile I think I could move. It usually happens when Scott takes me over to a vacant lot with a view like this. If it didn’t require selling and leaving my house, purchasing a new lot, building a new house that is even more vulnerable in...