Monthly Archives: July 2010

A Little Help Here

We like to train them young around here. I figure by seven he’ll be weed-eating the ditch in the back, at least that’s the plan.

What Have You Done to my Baby?

Today my boys set off to the barbershop for desperately needed haircuts. Christian came back looking like his usual self after a haircut, but Jackson came back looking much different. His hair is short, like oh my goodness, was there an accident short. He looks fine, because, well, he’s adorable, and you just can’t cover...

Look for the Light

The one thing I’ve learned while taking all these pictures is I want light in my subject’s eyes. I’ll turn them in circles until I see what I want. Christian knows exactly what I’m up to when I start this business. He knows that tilting that head ever so slightly up can make a huge...

Flashback Friday

Okay, let me tell you a story… just move along if you’ve heard this one. I got my ears pierced when I was 2  years old. I think the way the story goes is my sister, or my Aunt and sister took me down to the jewelery store and they gunned me down right there....