Monthly Archives: May 2010

Bear With Me

Every once in awhile I decide that I must learn to use my flash. I play for a few days, realize I suck, and forget about it for a few months. This is one of those times. Each boy gave me about 37 seconds before I realized, I have no idea what I’m doing. Oh,...

Go Cardinals!

Tonight we had the end of season party for the Cardinals. They had pizza, swimming, and trophies. Who could ask for more than that? Coach/Daddy brought it in one last time, and Jackson was all over it. He was pretty proud of his new trophy and allowed me one photo, but only one. My favorite...

Work It

Lulu does NOT like to be photographed. She will avoid even looking my way if I have a camera in my hands. It doesn’t stop me. She’s so pretty, and her “poses” only make her look more regal. I was more than a little surprised when I went through some pictures of her today to...

Nostril Flarin’ Sick Boy

Jackson has had a fever all weekend. Today is the first day he smiled. He’s still coughing so bad that he may get another day off from school, but he’s feeling much better… good enough to give a wholehearted effort not to flare his nostrils in every picture I take.


I haven’t gotten to take pictures of this sweet face lately. He’s always on the go. Tonight, he wanted me to set up something for him and I took that opportunity to bargain. He gave me 3 minutes, I gave him over an hour. He thought that was fair. Fair is always questionable around here.