Monthly Archives: August 2009

Just Ask the 5 Year Old

The boys’ school switched from Saxon to Envision Math this year. Let’s try to hold back the enthusiasm, shall we? It has NOT been an easy transition! Each afternoon is filled with Christian and I both struggling and confused with the homework assignment. We’ve called in back-up (thank you Deedy) and hope to make it...

Mom, Take a Picture of THIS!

After a full day of school and a couple hours of homework and studying, these boys need to let off a little steam. It’s not often that they WANT me to take their picture, so when they asked, I was happy to oblige. They were full of silly ideas to try, although some didn’t quite...

The Only Safe Place

Lulu rarely ventures into the driveway while the boys are riding bikes and rip sticks. She hangs out close, but she’s too smart for that. Fergie… well, not so much. She has no idea what the consequences of a collision may be, and it’s just best if I don’t let her find out. I’ve found...

Happy Anniversary!

Today my parents have been married 34 years. Don’t do the math, it will just confuse you. They stopped by on their way out to dinner and I took a few pictures. The picture above is what we had in mind, but my favorites are the two below. Mom laughing out loud, and Daddy actually...

Normally Not a Fan

Selective color is usually not my thang, but in this case, I kinda like it. Last night we came upstairs and couldn’t find the boys. Usually that means they are hiding so we immediately checked all their favorite hiding spots. This is where we found them, piled up in the bed reading, Christian trying to...