Monthly Archives: June 2009

Party Prep

Didn’t pick up my camera today, too busy. After an awesome lunch at Mam Maw’s we started getting ready for Jackson’s little party tomorrow. Nothing like throwing something together at the last minute. I’ve known about it for over a week, I just like to put the pressure on. A post is completely worthless without...

We Really Should Swim More

Before this summer is over, we are all going to sprout fins, and we are dragging the rest of the family down with us.Emmy is having trouble with something here, but I’m not sure what. The last thing you want is this girl pissed off. These two never tire of each other. Aren’t cousins fun??I...

Hug Momma!

Jackson doesn’t do sleep-overs very often, and he’s only had them at Maw Maw & Paw Paw’s down the street until tonight. Christian was invited to spend the night with his cousins. Jackson wanted to tag along and play for awhile then come back home with me. When it was time to go, he was...

Branching Out

This sweet boy has been begging me to take more pictures of creepy crawly things. Any time he finds a worm, centipede, lizard, snake, spider, etc., he’s sure it would look great on the blog. Well, don’t say I didn’t warn you…How’s it looking so far??