Monthly Archives: February 2009

Can a Sinus Infection Kill You?

If not, the medicine they give you to get rid of it might!! I feel horrible, and have nothing good to share. I am SOOOO sick of being sick. Ok, I’m done complaining for the moment. I do have these two shots from yesterday of my sweet boys letting me take pictures of them in...

Oh Yeah, There’s More…

Jackson has a helicopter, too, and he loves it almost as much as he loves running around after Christian’s. I tell ya, these things were a hit.He does  to like to fly it up as high as he can get it an awful lot and watch as it flutters around banging into my ceiling like...

More Valentine Crap

Are you sick of hearing about Valentine’s Day yet?  Well, too bad, cuz there is more. We got the boys a couple Valentine presents. Against my better judgment, I bought these helicopters that I was absolutely positive wouldn’t make it through the day. I was also pretty sure that there was no way in hell...

Valentine’s Party

I got to go hang out with Christian Friday at school for their Valentine’s party. They had tons of food, and Valentine’s flying all around. I even got to hand some out, and its been YEARS since I did that. The kids were all showing me their cards from secret admirers, and the candy they...