Monthly Archives: January 2009

I Love it When the Sky Looks Like This

It was crazy dark, but the sun was still shining. Lulu and I had to run down to the pier to take some pictures. I ended up taking more pictures of Lulu than anything else.As usual, she won’t look directly at me when I have the camera in my hand, besides, there were squirrels out...

Gone Fishin’

Catching bait is a family affair. You know, I do believe Scott might need some new jeans. Everybody has to inspect the catch. I don’t think this is really what we had in mind when we started talking about fishing. He looks all sweet, but he’s not above bustin’ a cap in some fish’s ass…...

Leaving on a Jet Plane

We’ve been too busy today with teacher conferences, errand running, car shopping, test studying and airplane watching to take any new pictures. I did have this cute one from a couple days ago of this kid I know that loves airplanes. I’ve never seen anyone else get so excited as this one did today standing...

The Best Seat in the House

If you ever look around and realize that Christian isn’t there, before you panic, check Lulu’s bed. He gets down there to snuggle with her, to take a rest with her, or just to lay beside her and play video games. When I ordered this bed, I didn’t really get a tape measure out and...