Monthly Archives: December 2008

Favorite Pictures from 2008

This was my 2nd or 3rd try shooting lightning and I lucked up with this one. This was the first shot with my favorite lens, the 85mm. Jackson looks so sweet watching his brother and his friends taking off without him. It was so hard when he was three! This one was just pure luck...

Christmas Class Parties

Ahhhhhh, Christmas vacation, nothing like it. It can’t get started until you have your class party. Scott and I both got to go to Jackson’s party, and Scott took Jackson home while I went to Christian’s school to help with his. They had a Christmas movie, tons of party food, some spontaneous singing, and even...

Brave for Santa

Jackson’s class had breakfast with Santa yesterday. They all rushed in to get in line and sit in his lap. I was taking pictures and noticed my child was the only one inching backward instead of forward in the line. When Santa thought we were finished he started to get up. I looked over and...

An Early Christmas

We had Christmas (and Scott’s birthday) over at MamMaw’s house last night. The boys waited so patiently after dinner to open gifts. Then the chaos started. Emmy Kate is just so damn cute, I can’t stand it. Jackson was thrilled with every single thing he got. I’ve never seen him so excited over opening gifts....