Monthly Archives: October 2008

Bringing Spooky Back

Usually, around the beginning of October, I drag out some Halloween decorations. This year, I guess I let it just slip by. Today, FINALLY, I put some things out. These are just a few of them, not as much as last year, and probably less than the year before that. Can you believe that not...

Football is in the Air

Every afternoon there is a football game going on in one of our yards. Today it was ours. Christian looks forward to it every day. There were only three of them, but they managed. They were still going strong when it was time for Andrew to go home and get ready to go to the...

More of Mom & Dad’s Flowers

Those plant growing freaks of nature have been at it again. Normally I would complain that I don’t have anything this pretty in my flowerbeds, but let’s be honest, it’s never going to happen. Want to know why? Because I’ll never plant it. I’ll never take care of it. I’ll never water it. I’ll never...

Another Big Day for Jack-Jack

Every October, Jackson’s preschool has Donuts with Dads. They go to school early and have milk and donuts for the kids, and coffee and donuts for the dads. The kids get to present their dads with cards, get their picture made together and spend the morning together having breakfast. It’s always a hit. This year,...


Last year, for Christmas, my mom and dad got Jackson a Mickey Mouse watch. His big brother wears a watch, and he wanted to wear one, too, and wear it he did. Every time someone would ask him the time he’d proudly look at it and announce that it was 10:89. Did I mention he’s...