Monthly Archives: August 2008

Horn Island Posse’

Do you think four makes a posse’? Well, it should. Does posse’ HAVE an apostrophy? I’m guessing on that one. Today was a perfect day for an island trip. Pretty much any day is a perfect day for an island trip, we just actually went on one today, so that makes it even more perfect....

Thank You Aunt Anna & Uncle Jerry

Aunt Anna & Uncle Jerry gave the boys some water guns the other day, and let me just say, they were a hit. My boys like anything weapon like, and water, well that’s a given, so during the 3 hour swim-fest they had tonight, 2 hours and 45 minutes were spent playing with the water...

Game Face

Lately, we’ve been playing baseball in the front yard a lot. Christian has decided he likes pitching and wants to do it all the time. Jackson doesn’t want to be left out. He’s not a pitcher, yet, but oh, how he loves to hit. When he realizes that it is his turn to hit he...

I’ve Been Waiting for a Sunset Like This

…and the other night, I finally got one. The boys were outside playing baseball and I was watching. Sometimes I bring my camera. Ok, that’s a lie. I ALWAYS bring my camera. We had to stop the baseball game just to catch the sunset. Unfortunately, after the sun started going down, the mosquitoes came out...

The Cheese Wagon

When I asked Christian what the best part of his first day of school was, he was quick to tell me it was the bus ride home. This doesn’t surprise me at all. He knew 10 kids on the bus just from our neighborhood, one of which, was Grant. Christian and Grant have been best...