Monthly Archives: August 2008

Most Wanted Place to Visit in New Orleans

Mine is probably Tropical Isle. I love that place and I go there EVERY time I make it to New Orleans. Jeanelle, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to see the house that Brangelina bought in the Quarter. I was not allowed to wear a TEAM ANNISTON shirt, not that I really have...

New Orleans

Omg, I am the least photogenic person on the planet, so I apologize for the overload of pictures of me. I’m usually talking, or flaring my nostrils or something of the sort. It’s probably why I take pictures so much, less chance of me being in them. We went to New Orleans this weekend to...


This morning has been a little hectic. I’m packing, getting the boys’ stuff together, and trying to remember everything I’m supposed to do to be able to leave for the weekend. Jackson has been helping me in spurts, and finding other activities to occupy him while I run around the house looking confused. I’ve already...

Malpass Fam

Some of our relatives were in town so we met up at McElroy’s to have lunch today. I haven’t seen Amanda & Emily since we were little kids, and now we all have kids of our own, so that was cool. I d0 keep up with Amanda, Brad & Alana through her blog over there...

Laptop Craze

Something is going on around here. When I got my new laptop, Christian took over the old one. He loves it. He plays club penguin and sends me instant messages while we sit on the couch together. Jackson didn’t want to be left out. We were in Wal-mart and my little man spotted something he...