Monthly Archives: April 2008


Can you tell what this is? Pretty easy, huh? It’s someone’s sniffer, right? But, you couldn’t possibly know whose. About 10 or 11 years ago, we can’t agree which, I, and my boyfriend at the time, got a baby, our first bundle of joy. We were still dating at the time…I know, not ideal, but...

Let’s Call it a Hoof

Can you tell what this is? Well, let me give you a hint, it causes giggles wherever it goes, leaves hair on anything it even passes NEAR, can’t pass up a free meal, and watches over all of us whether we know it or not. This is another member of our family. Her name is...

Busy Fam

Today I have not been able to fondle my camera at all, all day, and my how I’ve missed it. My husband and my Dad had to go to my Dad’s eye doctor in Louisiana and I had to go to my doctor in Alabama, meanwhile, my mom stayed with some sweet boys right here...

Lucky Enough

This is where I live. Have you ever heard someone say, “if you are lucky enough to live on the water, you are lucky enough,” well, they knew what they were talking about. My boys love all things water. Can’t get enough of it. We get to see crane, osprey, snakes, alligators, raccoon, deer, hawks,...

My Very First Post…EVAH!

I have no idea what I am doing, or if this will even work, because, again, no idea and all. I wanted to start a blog, if nothing else, to keep a rough record of my family and its’ going ons. I am not, nor will I ever be, a professional photographer, but I LOVE...