Nobody Gives a Shit About Your Birthday Pie

20080514_2240 What says Happy Birthday? I guess it depends on who you ask. If you ask me, and today you should, this pie says it all. What started out as Marianne’s Hospitality Pie has officially been renamed in my house. Last year, sad that no one made me a cake, I made myself this pie, renamed it and ate it in honor of, well, ME! This year I still had some left over from Mother’s Day, which worked out perfect for me. I just ate that piece you see above, and now my day is complete.

Now, if you ask Jackson what my birthday means, he’ll say PARTY! No, not for me, for him. It just worked out that his class had their end of the year party at our house today. He found out last week that the party would be on my birthday, so everyday since he’s asked, “Is today your birthday??” Never has my boy been so excited to see me turn another year older. Oh, wait, it isn’t about me, is it?? Is it about Charlie? David? Brynn? Elise? Yeah, I guess it is. That’s okay. I had my pie!20080514_2224 I don’t know who was more excited about this day, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me.
