Can We Talk?

Jackson is so proud of the new tattoo he got last night. He told me, no less than fifteen times, that he was wearing a short-sleeved shirt to school tomorrow so everyone could see it. Come to think of it, he’s been really talkative lately and fifteen times is probably a modest guess. Sometimes it...

Morning Sunshine

I’ve seen way too many of these lately. I’m not really a morning person, so the fact that I’ve been awake to see eight in a row, is NOT cause for celebration. They sure are pretty, but I am so damn tired, I may never recover.

Go Ask Your Daddy

Have you ever tried to explain static electricity to a 4 year old? I stumble through some ridiculous explanation involving words like electrons and friction while trying to make sure it’s on a 4 year olds level. I mean, of course I know the definition of static electricity. I start dragging in some information about...